"We are St. Anne Catholic Church. A welcoming community, inspired by the Holy Spirit, we seek to proclaim Christ's loving mission."
As spam is a very large problem on the Internet, we have implemented a system whereby the addresses are broken up, making it difficutl for a computer "bot" to scan our page and lift our email addresses. So, in order to email us, please note that each person's email is made up of an Email User Name followed by our domain name. To send us an email, use this format: where "NAME" is our Email User Name listed below. Thank you for your patience, as we try to reduce spam.
Office Phone: 541-476-2240
FAX: 541-476-2194
Fr. Robert Wolf

Email User Name: pastor
Fr. Joseph Mujaeropiro
Parochial Vicar

Email User Name: vicar

Dcn. Robert Chapin
Permanent Deacon (ret.)
Contact Front Office
Pastoral Ministers
Emily Suda
Pastoral Associate
for Liturgy and Catechesis
Carri Pirosko
Lead Catechist
Email User Name: cpirosko
Email User Name: catechesis
Brian Suda
Pastoral Associate for Evangelization, Family and Youth
Nick Kucharik
Coordinator of Music Ministry
Email User Name: musicministry
Email User Name: familyministry
Carole Robertson
Adminstrative Assistant
Administrative Staff
Carol Scherf
Parish Manager
Email User Name: parishmanager
Email User Name: parishoffice1
Yvette Burtley
Email User Name: churchbk
Scott Polen
School Principal
Email User Name: principal
Administrative Assistant
Email User Name: schooloffice1
School Staff
Veronica Lee
Email User Name: schoolbk